Saturday 1 May 2010

The Lost Kitten

by Alison Allen-Gray

The Lost Kitten is a brilliant book.It is quite sad but it has a very happy ending. It is about a kitten, and her mother goes out looking for food. But she does not like the dark and especially not being on her own and all the animals that she asks to help her are very rude, selfish and cruel.

My score (out of 5):5
Erin B. (Year 3)

The Name of this Book is Secret

by Pseudonymous Bosch

This book is one of the best books I have ever read! If you like mystery and code crackin' stories then this is the book for you! An innocent man tells the story of a dead magician, and two childen, Cassandra and Max-Ernest, but these aren't their real names! The man telling the story can't give us all the information that we want: the characters names; the setting; chapter 1 (strangely) or any addresses or contact info in the book. Pseudonymous Bosch, whose name I cannot pronounce, is a fantastic author who writes books for what I think is the recommended age of 11 and above. I'm looking forward to his next novels: 'Terces Society', 'If You're Reading This, it is Too Late' and 'This Book is Not Good for You'!

My score (out of 5): 5
Beth (Year 6)

Perfect Ponies

by Katie Price

It is a really good book because it tells you lots about looking after ponies and horses. You should read it. If you are pony mad and want to know lots more then this is this book.
It is wicked! :)

My score (out of 5):5
Lillian (Year 5)