Saturday 20 June 2009

SAS Survival Guide

by John "Lofty" Wiseman

This is an excellent book in how to catch prey, make weapons, build camp and how to live in another climate. And all this is knowledge from an ex SAS hero.

My score (out of 5):

Lewis - Year 5

The Dare Game

by Jacqueline Wilson

Tracy Beaker thought she was going to live and be fostered by this women called Cam. Cam is mean. She wont buy Tracy Designer clothes .She meets two boys at her new school called Alexander and this boy with a nick name called Football. They played this dare game and Tracy always wins. Tracy thinks she's the best at it.

My score (Out of 5): 4
Katie - Year 3

James and the Giant Peach

by Roald Dahl

This book is all about a boy called James.James finds a giant peach.I would imagine the peach to be about to my classroom seling.James has two step mothers who dont do any work at all they just make James do it.

My Score (out of 5):

Katie - Year 3

Cross Country Riding

by Lucinda Green

I loved to read it. It is about riding.

My score (out of 5): 5

Rebecca - Year 3